4 Week Series on Technology for Churches

I’ll never forget a Pastor-friend once telling me, “the most serious issue my people are struggling with is digital addiction.” It reminded me of the time I heard Pastor John Mark Comer from Portland once say that he believed the iphone was one of the greatest threats to Christianity. The global Church is struggling […]
Should Robots Be Persons?

Our future with robots will force us to answer this question. In fact, the future is already here. “I’ll be back.” Add an Austrian accent, and you have one of the most iconic phrases of the sci-fi film canon, immediately evoking dystopian scenes of destruction from the humanoid robot, The Terminator. Schwarzenegger’s robot franchise is not […]
Forget the Echo Chamber, Social Media is a Prism

Every once in a while, something comes along and causes a paradigm shift in its respective field or medium, a breakthrough that challenges prevailing narratives for explaining the world. Sometimes those breakthroughs are few and far between. For fields marked by rapid change and development, those breakthroughs can occur more frequently. In the rapidly changing […]
The Entrepreneur and Phil

Once upon a time, in a valley far, far away, lived a passionate young entrepreneur. The entrepreneur wanted to change the world. He wanted to do something with his life that would truly make a difference. A true mission. Having coffee with a close friend named Phil, the entrepreneur blurted out: “People are not connected […]
Is Google the New God?

“Google is our modern man’s God…you trust Google more than any entity in your history” — Scott Galloway, author of The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google Where do you turn when you need help? When you are struggling? When you need to relieve the burden of a secret from your shoulders — and […]