Discipleship Scorecard

Group of christian people reading and study bible in home and pray together.

How might we roll out the expoenent discipleship scorecard and whitelabel it for anyone to use?

Hashtag Hope

Hope concept

We creatively pursue a world without suicide through outreach and education.


Air bnb hotel interior furniture

Missionaries routinely travel the country to raise support to go the mission field. As they travel, they usually have a place to stay during the days of their meetings (usually Saturday and Sunday) but they spend an enormous amount of time looking for lodging between meetings and often have to resort to using expensive hotel rooms.

NICU Help for New Mothers

Newborn baby boy covered in vertix inside incubator

How might we provide easy-to-access information for parents navigating the unknowns when a baby is in NICU.

Practicing the Way – Discipleship

Studying the Bible, reading the scriptures.

How might we measure if discipleship programs are making a change in peoples’ lives? If they are growing in the fruit of the spirit, becoming more like Jesus?

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