ChatGPT and the Rise of AI with Derek Schuurman

Dr. Derek Schuurman talks about his recent article, “ChatGPT and the rise of AI” with the Kirby Liang Center, Cambridge, England.
ChatGPT and the Rise of AI

Dr. Derek Schuurman’s article outlines a Christian perspective on AI with three key guidelines: Avoid extremes in tech optimism or pessimism, define human distinctiveness from machines, and ensure AI adheres to ethical norms such as justice, cultural appropriateness, care, transparency, and trust.
Prediction #2: Google loses dominance in search to Microsoft as ChatGPT-enabled Bing takes market share

John Ailanjian from Next Legacy makes a prediction about the future of internet search. With Microsoft coming out of the gate strong on bringing AI to search, will Google finally give up its dominance?
The FAQs: What Christians Should Know About Artificial Intelligence

Joe Carter from The Gospel Coalition gives us a list of Frequently Asked Questions about AI that every Christian should know the answer to.
Is AI a Threat to Christianity?

In this article, Jonathan Merritt asks the question “Should Christianity, the world’s largest religion, embrace all intelligent life?”
Guidelines for Church Leadership in an Increasingly AI-driven World

In this article, Dave Betts gives us seven imperatives for leading well in a rapidly changing church context
Missional Tech Trends – AI

In this article from FaithTech, we look at AI and the ways it can be leveraged by ministries in the next 5 years.
Should Christians Fear AI?

In this article from FaithTech, we ask the question “should Christians fear AI?”. Maybe “fear” is the wrong word. The wrong frame of mind. What do we do when we fear something? We run from it, or we try to fight it. As we confront fast-progressing, increasingly sophisticated artificial intelligence, is either of these the […]
Shaping a Digital World

In this thoughtful and timely book, Derek Schuurman provides a brief theology of technology (including sections on AI), rooted in the Reformed tradition and oriented around the grand themes of creation, fall, redemption and new creation. He combines a concise, accessible style with penetrating cultural and theological analysis. Find it here.
The Age of AI

In The Age of AI, Jason Thacker, associate research fellow at the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, helps us navigate our digital age in this thoughtful exploration of the social, moral, and ethical challenges of our ongoing interactions with artificial intelligence. Find this book here.