What do you want to build?

Most of us are interested in using our skills to solve problems to serve the Kingdom. This meetup will feature info on three projects and ideas in various stages:

  • Jesse Salmon – Building a Mentoring Community – new Lab project getting started
  • Joe Hollowell – Sync With God – existing project outside of FaithTech
  • Derrick Willard – Standalone Bible Notes – new idea
  • Ideas from you

After the planned presentations, anyone attending will have an opportunity to share your idea with the group too! No need to prepare a presentation, just be willing to share an idea you have been thinking about or that peeked your interest.

Join us to listen or share, or to meet and connect with others in the community. Enjoy time to meet, learn, and build together.

Make sure you RSVP – there will be pizza and water!

For regulars in the community, please note the location. This month we are meeting on the MidAmerica Nazarene University’s campus.

Get tickets for this event on: EventBrite.

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