4 Week Series on Technology for Churches

I’ll never forget a Pastor-friend once telling me, “the most serious issue my people are struggling with is digital addiction.” It reminded me of the time I heard Pastor John Mark Comer from Portland once say that he believed the iphone was one of the greatest threats to Christianity. 


The global Church is struggling in this digital age. We are struggling to understand the implications and opportunities of the modern digital transformation. The Church is meant to be a counter-cultural movement yet the allure of the modern digital-cultural movement is extraordinarily powerful, slowly pulling us closer with every click. Is that movement leading us closer to Jesus or further from Jesus? Do we reject, receive or redeem this movement? What is our Gospel-centered response? 


One of the core methods of helping our people live in this complicated digital age is to equip them with language, call them to wrestle with that language, and then give the hope and example to translate that language into a lifestyle.  


The following basic sermon series outline is my attempt to provide our FaithTech community a tool to send to their Pastors to encourage them to teach and educate their people on the vital topic of faith and technology. 

If you find this useful, we hope you can pass it on to your Pastor if you think it can help them. If you want to connect more with us, send us a fax…just kidding. Email us and let us know how we can help.



Week 1: Is Google The New God? Understanding How Technology is Changing Us 


Week Objectives:


  • Know tech is not neutral and know the influence tech has in this cultural moment.
  • Feel the personal implications technology is having on everyday life.
  • Do an audit of the role of technology in one’s life, family, and work. 


This week is a great opportunity for the Pastor to tell their story of the personal relationship/struggle they have with technology. Define what is going on in culture and set up the cultural context using these points below…


  • Data on how tech is changing us, for good & bad.
  • Three Views towards Technology: Tech as Neutral (“I don’t care”), Tech as a Saviour (“We die without it”), and Tech as Evil (“We die with it”).


FaithTech Resources for This Week:



Media Ecology & Theology:



Week 2: For God so loved the iPad? Building a Proper Theological Framework for Technology


Week Objectives:


  • Know that God cares about what we create, how we create it and how we use it.
  • Feel that God has a purpose for technology.
  • Do a deeper study on particular bible verses on technology.

A Biblical Theology of Technology:


  1. Creation – Our identity as Image-Bearers 
  2. Rebellion – Our identity as Builders 
  3. Redemption – Our identity as Redeemed Servants 
  4. Restoration – Our identity as New Creations


FaithTech Resources for This Week:



Week 3: A Digital Rule of Life: Five Habits of Purpose in this Busy Age


Week Objectives:


  • Know that God has designed you for habit and it is essential we form healthy habits to live in this digital age.
  • Feel the sense of hope knowing these practices will give life, not bondage.
  • Do a rule of life builder for yourself – Sign up for this tool by Practicing The Way and read this article to understand what a rule of life is.


Five Daily Habits to Try:


  1. Start Your Day in QuietnessAntidote to distraction and exhaustion 
  2. Build a Rhythm of RestAntidote to exhaustion and always connected
  3. Automatically Turn Off Your Internet at NightAntidote to anxiety and FOMO
  4. Take a Slow Walk Weekly with SomeoneAntidote to keeping secrets and lying  
  5. Have a Focal PracticeAntidote to busyness and entertainment 


FaithTech Resources for This Week:



Books About Healthy Practices & Habits in a Digital Age:



Week 4: Redeeming Technology: The Incredible Opportunity to Leverage Technology & Our Work


Week Objectives:


  • Know that God will make all things new and has a purpose for technology in this world.
  • Feel hopeful for how God is redeeming technology all around the world. 
  • Do something life giving with technology. Ie: ask everyone to get out their phone during the sermon and text a friend a word of encouragement.


Recommendation: Interview a developer or tech leader from your church to ask for their perspective.


Emphasis our identity as Redeemed Servants:


  • Keep in mind our responsibility to be servants verses what tech can do for us.
  • Consider the truth that the way of Redeemed Servants is a sacrificial way of living.

FaithTech Resources for This Week:



Books, Article, and Videos on Redemptive Technology:



For more articles and videos related to these weeks, click here.

James Kelly is Founder and CEO of FaithTech, a global tech community for Jesus. James holds a Business degree, a Masters of Divinity and loves his local church he helped plant 10 years ago.

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